2024 Annual Meeting Report
2024 Annual Meeting Report

Archer Credit Union proudly announces the successful conclusion of its annual meeting held on March 20, 2024, in Archer, Nebraska. All credit unions are required to have an annual meeting of members to elect the Board of Directors and inform the membership of financial performance.
Archer Credit Union serves the interests of rural Nebraska with locations in Central City, Archer, Dannebrog, and St. Paul. A quorum of members was present, and the business meeting took place. Archer Credit Union Chair, Tracey Hefner, opened the meeting and the minutes from the prior year’s meeting were approved.
This year, over fifty members attended the annual meeting held at the Archer Community Room. Both Hefner and Kezeor took the opportunity to express their gratitude to the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and staff for their dedication and service.
A review of the year was conducted by the credit union’s new President and CEO, Mike Kezeor. Kezeor emphasized several of this year’s successes, which included the credit union surpassing the momentous 5,000-member milestone along with producing one of the highest net incomes on record.
In addition, to discussing his transition from Chief Financial Officer to President and CEO, Kezeor also highlighted the recently promoted Chief Lending Officer, Tyson Benner, who was recognized for over 16 years of service with Archer Credit Union.
Credit Union members then held an election for three open positions. Hefner then congratulated the following for being voted on to the Archer Credit Union Board of Directors: Delcy Falk, Leanne Luebbe, and Dick Moore. Hefner also expressed her appreciation to the three outgoing Directors for their years of service – Ed McNeff (21 years), Eric Nielsen (14 years), and Steve Stettner (9 years). “Their contributions to the credit union through the years have made it the success it is today,” said Hefner.
The annual meeting was followed by the Archer Credit Union Board meeting where the Directors appointed the following officer positions: Verlen Larsen, Chair, Leanne Luebbe, Vice Chair, and Delcy Falk, Secretary/Treasurer. The Directors also reappointed all current Supervisory members for another 1-year term. Supervisors include Verlen Larsen, Garry Greving, Tammy Stuhr, Kevin Brandt, and Kelly Burgess.