ACCU Annual Meeting
ACCU Annual Meeting
Update: Due to COVID-19 and the need to maintain social distancing, our annual meeting has been postponed until a later date. We will update our website and social pages with the rescheduled date as that becomes available.
This is the official notification to members of the annual meeting and election of directors of The Archer Cooperative Credit Union to be held at the Community Room in Archer on March 24, 2020.
The Nominating Committee has put forth the names of Kristen Hermansen-Ryan, Kim Ross and Tracey Hefner to fill the three available positions on the Board of Directors. A brief resume’ on each of the candidates is available at each of our locations.
If not nominated by the Nominating Committee, qualified members may be placed on the ballot by petition. A petition for nomination must have the signatures of 25 members or 5% of the membership, whichever number is larger, not to exceed 100 members. A separate petition must be completed and submitted for each nomination. Each nominee by petition must submit with the petition a statement of qualifications, biographical data, and a certificate signed by the nominee stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected to office.
Petitions, statement of qualifications, biographical data, and certifications for each nominee by petition must be received no later than January 31, 2020. No floor nominations will be taken at the annual meeting. In the event there is only one nominee for each position to be filled, nominees will be declared elected at the annual meeting.