Happy CU Youth Month, Dinosavers!
Happy CU Youth Month, Dinosavers!
April 1, 2021

Are you a parent or guardian wondering how to teach your dinosaver about being financially responsible? We’ve got your back!
In fact, Credit Unions across the globe are celebrating our youngest members throughout the month of April and Archer Credit Union is joining in the fun!
Here are 3 simple ways you can participate in CU Youth Month with us:
- Throughout the month of April, local youth are invited to participate in a scavenger hunt at each ACCU location. For each item found, the child/adult will be entered to win $100!
- Be sure to join us on our Facebook Page! Throughout the month of April, we’ll be spilling the tea on simple ways to talk to kids about financial responsibilities.
- And finally, the best way to invest in your child’s financial future is to open a Junior Growers account! That way, your dinosaver can begin the habit of putting money into an account regularly and learning the magic behind compound dividends!